He was nothing to write home about, really. Abraham was the kind of guy you stayed with because you really loved him, not because the sex was so great. He was so busy welcoming guests he hardly had the energy to make the beast with two backs most of the time, and when he was in the mood he felt weird about it because Sarah looked like a little girl. Plus, the relationship between husband and wife was always strained by the way he liked to pretend to be her brother. Way awkward.
King David
Definitely bisexual, and more than a little entitled, sleeping with David was like sleeping with the most popular guy in school. A great notch to have in your belt, but ultimately kind of a letdown. With David, it was really all about the chase, and once he got you, he didn’t really know what to do with you. His talents with the lyre, though, suggest that his digital work was excellent.
Jonah was a nightmare in bed. You’d spend days chasing him down because something about him was very attractive, but once you got him between the sheets he was a real downer, and afterwards would immediately fall into a very deep sleep. He whined constantly, and would never take the hint when you were trying to get him to try something new.
A very jealous lover, and generally melodramatic. He’d make you do all the work, but it was worth it to be with the guy who knew everyone, and who everyone owed a favor.
Of course, my friends and I wanted to be egalitarian–we certainly didn’t ignore the women in favor of the men! Stay tuned for Part 2 of “Behind Closed Doors with the Men and Women of the Bible,” also known as “What Happens When Jewish Kids Get Drunk.”
Celebrating 10 Years & Marking the End of An Amazing Project
Celebrating 10 Years & Marking the End of An Amazing Project
I stepped out of my comfort zone to be a part of this. I was glad to open up the topic of sexuality in my community. We are trying to build a safe space to talk about sex. The result I am most happy about coming from this event is that hopefully now my friends know they can come and talk to me, that I can be their ‘safe space’.
Jewrotica is something that the community has needed for a long time so that people can actually learn, express and share and have good relationships without having to stumble through life. Check out the site and learn something. Have fun!
Bedside Reading with Jewrotica was funny, sexy, and hot all at once. The readings were honest about all kinds of sexuality, but the highlight of the evening was definitely the confessions, written by audience participants. Nobody knew who wrote them, and most were tell-alls that would make your bubbe blush. Unless your bubbe was very, very cool. Then maybe she’d make YOU blush!
At Jewrotica’s Evening of Bedside Readings, students declaimed monologues on sexual encounters that had a Jewish twist. At Columbia/Barnard Hillel, the speakers pushed their own boundaries by performing a range of explicit narratives that challenged how the audience thought of the relationship to Judaism and sex. During the speakers’ preparation, the arguments about which narratives would be appropriate forced students to take a stand and voice their opinion on their own beliefs about Judaism an… Read more
You may not tell your mom that you’re going to a live Jewrotica reading (or whatever clever name you will dub these events) but you will tell your friends. However, both would be jealous if they find out that they missed it. I think it will only be a matter of time before Jewrotica helps us reclaim the term “Dirty Jew” the way rap music has done for “The ‘N’ Word.” I know I am now proud to be a Dirty Jew!
I’m into Jewrotica. I went in for my second circumcision.
Jewrotica rocks. It’s funny, it’s informative, it’s sexy, it’s interesting. Check it out!
While many people fear the “sex talk,” Jewrotica offers an opportunity for writers and audiences to speak about sexuality in a open and safe space. When I attended a Jewrotica reading, I heard stories that reminded me that love takes many forms, and that expressing it is a vital part of who we are as a people.
The Jewrotica event “Evening of Jewrotica: Bedside Reading” was awesome. As Master of Confessions, I got to read the deepest, darkest secrets of people in the room out loud… It was scintillating, titillating, and – yes – even educational!
I love the inclusiveness – there is something for everyone, in and out of the Jewish community.
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Built with Love and Mischief.
Designed by Ayo Oppenheimer and
David Abitbol
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