My Rabbi Written by Stephen A. Nicholas. Stephen is a first-time Jewrotica writer. I took my seat in the sanctuary as I waited for services...
He was 20 years my senior, but hey, my grandmother had married her fourth cousin, also 20 years her senior, so I guess you could...
It was the beginning of my junior year of college, and I had been hitting it off pretty well with a sophomore girl I just...
Written by Anonymous. “R” was a lanky, skinny, Jewish kid a little taller than 6 feet. I met him through one of those Jewish dating...
In college, I went through a boozy lesbian phase. (Who doesn’t?) One night, while hanging out with a nice Jewish boy I had hooked up...
Illustration by Elizabeth Simins Yesterday I went on an accidental date. When “John,” an old friend-with-benefits, called me up out of the blue, I was...
You notice few people in yeshiva. So much similarity between them: clothes, haircuts, mannerisms. But then there are those few, the heartbreakers, the boys who...
Written by Sarah Tuttle-Singer. Sarah is Jewrotica’s social media guru. Every Thursday night during my last two years at UC Berkeley, my friends and I...
I wanted to salvage a really shitty second date with the cute bearded Semitic barista of my dreams, so I kissed him by surprise. Meaning,...
Written by Ophira. Ophira is a first-time Jewrotica writer. [Editor’s Note: Be advised that this piece contains references to fantasy and sexual assault that may...