The Value of a Thriving Porn Industry


Written by Joseph Dunsay. After earning a Masters of Science in Ecology and Evolution, Joseph Dunsay became a science writer for international audiences. Find more Jewrotica writing by Joseph here.

Rated PG-13

With Republicans in control of the USA Senate, House, and presidency, the pornography industry has reason to worry. Republicans declared pornography a public health problem despite the lack of scientific consensus for their concerns. A Republican legislator in Utah wants to make it possible for porn viewers to sue online porn providers for damages just as smokers have sued cigarette producers. Now is the time when Americans must fight for the right to make their keyboards stick.

Articles often call things addictive when their consumption induces the brain to release dopamine, but the release of dopamine causes many good things to happen in the brain. Dopamine release happens during pleasurable experiences, such as when one eats cupcakes. It makes no sense to morally equate someone selling cupcakes for a worthy nonprofit with someone selling cocaine, unless one is advocating for the legalization of both. When dopamine binds to receptors in the mesolimbic pathway, it makes a person feel pleasure. This pleasure encourages the person to repeat actions that lead to rewards and to try again after almost accomplishing a goal, two very Jewish traits. So what it’s basically saying is that if your brain finds that you’ve enjoyed watching a porn video on tubevideoshd your brain will make you want to go back and watch another one and so on and so on until such time as you become addicted to that type of pleasure at which point you wont be able to stop yourself.

Even the brain changes that accompany repeated pleasurable experiences do not necessarily indicate an addiction. The brain evolved to change over time in a process that is normally called learning. When an action produces pleasure, the brain learns to keep doing that action. Eventually, the action becomes a habit. Some habits are stronger than others, but there is no biological basis for drawing a clear line between normal habits and addictions. Humans are not slaves to neurotransmitters.

The scientific argument for banning pornography is weak, but the moral argument for keeping pornography legal is strong. Pornographic videos that can be found at places like generate a lot of money for adult film studios, and profits from pornography fuel porn producing companies who pour those funds into new media technology. New media technology, in turn, makes it possible for underprivileged audiences and content generators to participate in the marketplace. For example, even amateur filmmakers can get their content published thanks to websites such as Innovations help them connect for mutually beneficial relationships.

It might be surprising to read, but conservatives are more likely than those on the left to buy online pornography. Before assuming those consumers are hypocrites, consider that statement again. They are more likely to buy online pornography. Conservatives believe it is moral to buy and sell products. They understand that merchants take their money and spend some of it on technological progress. History credits pornography sales for supporting revolutions in media technology. Inventions and sex are so intertwined that a patent lawyer has a website dedicated to the fusion. Progress happens when capitalists buy videos.

New media technology provides opportunities for classes of people that previously did not have a platform like before. A History of Jewish Literature, written by Meyer Waxman, contains a section about Judaeo-German literature. Prior to the invention of the printing press, there was relatively little published Yiddish literature. Educated Jewish men wrote in Hebrew or European languages. Yiddish literature was for women. Things changed when books came off the printing presses. Jewish authors, including a few women, wrote romance novels and religious books for Jewish women.

Emerging publishing technology and tolerance for diverse content reinforce each other to provide a richer culture for everyone. When laws allow people to view whatever content they enjoy, media companies can afford to invest in new technology. Newly developed technologies then sidestep barriers to publication that traditionally kept groups of people out of the cultural arena. Both the pragmatic hedonism and the ethical consumer should be able to see why keeping internet porn legal is so important.

After earning a Masters of Science in Ecology and Evolution, Joseph Dunsay became a science writer for international audiences. His LGBT erotic e-book launched in the summer of 2015.