Permit This Cunt

A174 poem

Written by Bruriah Lost. Bruriah, a first-time Jewrotica writer, is a formerly frum writer, attorney and mother. She came to Orthodoxy on her own as a teenager and then came out of it as an adult. Bruriah attended kallah classes and briefly practiced the laws of ritual purity (Niddah).

Bruriah’s poem combines found words from ritual purity questions and answers, asked in good faith by Orthodox Jews on a website for that purpose (, and her own hyper sexual language. Meaning is created in the resulting schism.

Prohibit This Cunt

rating_xxxProhibit this cunt
For eleven to fourteen days.
I will then be wet, wanting and waiting
For your cock (always), when:

Eating the leftovers from your plate (prohibited),
Serving you a plate of food (prohibited),
Making your bed (prohibited),
Sitting on your unmade bed (prohibited),
Sitting on the same sofa (prohibited – unless sectional),
Touching the back of your desk chair (prohibited),
Buying you flowers (permitted – but only for Shabbat),
Playing board games (some permit it, others are stringent).

Restrictions apply until wife,
Immersed. If something were to interfere with the immersion,
The arousal would be problematic. However, in this age of mobile phones,
Your wife may call you as soon as she successfully immersed.

Cunt permitted.

Bruriah is a formerly frumwriter, attorney and mother. She came to Orthodoxy on her own as a teenager and then came out of it as an adult.


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