Are you a Valentine’s Day lover or hater? Jewrotica is joining forces with the One Billion Rising campaign in their fight against domestic violence and sexual abuse. Check in tomorrow for a post on OBR’s work and a less traditional Valentine’s Day story from one of our Jewrotica writers.
Today we asked our Jewrotica staff to share some of their thoughts on V-Day:
Question #1: What was your most memorable or most awkward Valentine’s Day?
Ayo: When I was in 6th grade and my older sister was in 8th grade at the same school, one of her friends walked through the halls wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and giving out Hershey’s Kisses. This was a tremendous treat, especially to a chocolate lover like me! But moments later, our chocolate saint was reprimanded for the mere mention of Valentine’s Day at our Orthodox Jewish day school. The 8th grader dutifully walked to the start of the hallway and took back each Hershey’s Kiss before mischievously returning each chocolate to its owner with a gleeful “Happy Wednesday! Happy Wednesday! Happy Wednesday!”
Tamar: I once got dumped the day after Valentine’s Day, which kind of soured me on the holiday at age 16. Fun fact: the same guy broke the news of my aunt’s death to me via facebook message. Because he is a dick (okay, fine, I might be a little bitter).
Larisa: The one and ONLY time was when I went out to dinner and it was laughable how many girls wore red and how many guys tried to swoon them in hopes of getting laid. So odd…
Limor: My high school boyfriend took the amazing effort of asking my upstairs neighbor to use her window as a leverage and sent down a rose with a love letter… Sweetest thing! Can’t think of an awkward one.
Leora: I’ve always been a VDay hater. I used to get genuinely angry if a boy spent money on such a bullshit holiday…….until 3 years ago, when my boyfriend made it his personal goal to change my mind. I came home on Valentines Day to a dark apartment with a candle trail in my bedroom. On my bed, he had arranged 300 cupcakes (I worked for a bakery at the time) in the shape of a heart, with my nickname spelled out in the middle. Needless to say, we had a LOT of fun with icing that night, and I’ve loved Valentine’s Day ever since.
Karalyn: A guy I was dating in university showed up with a big box of Reese’s chocolate peanut butter hearts. I was so excited and happy. Having grown up Orthodox, I’d never celebrated V-Day before, and was always secretly jealous of people who had. He then took me to a bar, where, unbeknownst to me, he had told two other girls who had nothing to do on Valentine’s day that he would meet them there. I was furious and embarrassed both for me and them. Some romantic date. I walked out on him and needless to say, we broke up. That night.
David: As an always dutiful boyfriend, and despite the fact that I am not a Valentine’s Day person, I’ve had numerous memorable V-Days where I did the right thing for my significant other. This includes innumerable fancy meals, both home cooked and at nice restaurants, slogging through stormy weather to get just the right kind of roses, SO many flowers, you name it, I’ve done it. But the most memorable Valentine’s Day? Well, one of our employees had his birthday on Valentine’s Day. He was a good guy and we decided to have a birthday blowout for him at the office. It was memorable because I don’t actually remember much of what transpired given the amount of intoxicants we had consumed. All I remember is walking around with a Valentine pinned on my chest and telling each person I met “In honor of Valentine’s Day, I have a heart on for you!” True story.
Celebrating 10 Years & Marking the End of An Amazing Project
Celebrating 10 Years & Marking the End of An Amazing Project
While many people fear the “sex talk,” Jewrotica offers an opportunity for writers and audiences to speak about sexuality in a open and safe space. When I attended a Jewrotica reading, I heard stories that reminded me that love takes many forms, and that expressing it is a vital part of who we are as a people.
At Jewrotica’s Evening of Bedside Readings, students declaimed monologues on sexual encounters that had a Jewish twist. At Columbia/Barnard Hillel, the speakers pushed their own boundaries by performing a range of explicit narratives that challenged how the audience thought of the relationship to Judaism and sex. During the speakers’ preparation, the arguments about which narratives would be appropriate forced students to take a stand and voice their opinion on their own beliefs about Judaism an… Read more
Jewrotica is inspiring Jews and erotica with holiness and coolness, and is the pride of progressive Judaism. Jewrotica – awesome!
Jewrotica rocks. It’s funny, it’s informative, it’s sexy, it’s interesting. Check it out!
I attended and participated in last month’s Jewrotica event. The engaging performers and Ayo, our inviting host, inspired the audience to feel like one big community. What a great way to inspire our community to embrace sex as a beautiful thing that can be fun, exciting, sacred, sensual, ridiculous, scary and everything in between!
You may not tell your mom that you’re going to a live Jewrotica reading (or whatever clever name you will dub these events) but you will tell your friends. However, both would be jealous if they find out that they missed it. I think it will only be a matter of time before Jewrotica helps us reclaim the term “Dirty Jew” the way rap music has done for “The ‘N’ Word.” I know I am now proud to be a Dirty Jew!
My opinion on Jewrotica is: It’s sexy. It’s awesome. It’s Judaism to the next level. It’s what we should all be getting into!
Jewrotica was everything I had dreamed of and more: sexy attendees, tantalizing confessions, and well-written literature to boot! More importantly, it empowers us Jews to reach inside and own our sexy selves and heritage!
Jewrotica is a great way to ask interesting questions about the interplay between sensuality and Jewish wisdom. Check it out.
Bedside Reading with Jewrotica was funny, sexy, and hot all at once. The readings were honest about all kinds of sexuality, but the highlight of the evening was definitely the confessions, written by audience participants. Nobody knew who wrote them, and most were tell-alls that would make your bubbe blush. Unless your bubbe was very, very cool. Then maybe she’d make YOU blush!
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