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Kiruv 4

The river was located at the bottom of a slope. Esther had to climb up the hill, then descend down the other side – but she stopped at the peak, spell-bound by the sight illuminated by the moonlight: different couples copulating in the water. Well, not couples exactly. Some of them were threesomes, and there even was a particularly adventurous foursome – headed by Al, of course. But that was not the sight that made Esther feel that she was deflating like yeastless challah: It was the sight of a young, bearded man, in his thirties, plunging his penis into the body of a young woman, in her twenties, with the prettiest pair of tits Esther had ever seen – not that she had seen that many, of course.

Esther was a proper religious girl: The type of girl who only swallowed after baking her rugelach and challah, who sometimes wished she could murmur a quick blessing before ingesting because, after all, semen did have calories, which made it a type of food, didn’t it? And all foods needed to be blessed. The type of girl who wore white underwear in the days after she got her period before immersing in a magical bath. The type of girl who didn’t know that her husband was a cheat. There had been so many lessons about modesty in high school, about which types of socks to wear and how far down a sleeve must extend below the elbow – why hadn’t there been any classes on how to recognize the signs?

When Shmuley got back, he found Esther asleep. He put his hand on her shoulder. “You up?” “Mmm”. He tried to remember the last time they had had a real conversation – not a fight, or a discussion about practical matters, but one of those lengthy verbal exchanges that made you feel as if you were alive. When was the last time he had felt alive? He had hoped that his fling with Erica would answer that question, but instead it just made him feel the way he imagined Adam must have felt while hiding from God in the Garden: tired, confused, and in need of a fig-leaf.

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Shayna is a native Manhattanite whose interests include Torah, human rights, and poetry. An avid procrastinator, Shayna spends most of her time on Facebook, or watching any game involving the Brazilian soccer team. Brasil para Mundial 2014!