Written by Nancy Shiffrin. Nancy, a first-time Jewrotica writer, is the author of Game With Variations, My Jewish Name and The Vast Unknowing. She has...
Written by Andrew Ramer. Andrew Ramer, an experienced Jewrotica writer, is an ordained maggid (sacred storyteller) and the author of numerous books and articles including...
Written by Rabbi Neil Blumofe. Neil is the Senior Rabbi of Congregation Agudas Achim in Austin, Texas. He holds Rabbinic Ordinations from both the Jewish...
Written by Emma Morris. Emma is Jewrotica’s managing editor. For more writing by Emma, check out This poem is dedicated to Jane Bowles*. “You asked...
Written by Tamar Fox. Check out last week’s post in this series, Double Mitzvah – Ekev. This week’s , Re’eh, continues God’s instructions to the...
Written by Tamar Fox. Check out last week’s post in this series, Double Mitzvah – VaEtchanan. In this week’s , Ekev, Moses continues his speech...
Dear Readers, Tis the season of love! This week we celebrated , a modern day of Jewish romance, courtship and matchmaking. The holiday’s historical roots,...
Image Credit Written by Shayna Abramson. Shayna is a frequent Jewrotica contributor. For fiction by Shayna, check out Chanukah Miracle and Kiruv. To read Shayna’s...
Written by Sarah Epstein. Sarah, a first-time Jewrotica writer, is the founder of the Shomer Chronicles. Sarah hails from Dallas, Texas and is a recent...
Image Credit Written by Leon. Leon is an experienced Jewrotica writer who has published seven poems on Jewrotica. Experience Leon’s poetry here. In the Kabbalistic...