Written by Rabbi Rachael Bregman. Rachael Bregman is the Rabbi for Open Jewish Project which strives to enrich and invigorate young Jewish Atlanta one relationship...
Written by C. Garbell. Garbell, a first-time Jewrotica writer, is a graduate of NYU in the Department of Media, Culture and Communication. Garbell wrote “Online...
Image Credit Written by C. Garbell. Garbell, a first-time Jewrotica writer, is a graduate of NYU in the Department of Media, Culture and Communication. Garbell...
Written by C. Garbell. Garbell, a first-time Jewrotica writer, is a graduate of NYU in the Department of Media, Culture and Communication. Garbell wrote “Online...
Image Credit Written by C. Garbell. Garbell, a first-time Jewrotica writer, is a graduate of NYU in the Department of Media, Culture and Communication. Garbell...
Written by Tamar Fox. Check out last week’s post in this series, Double Mitzvah – Hukkat. This week’s contains the famous story of Balak, the...
Image Credit Written by Guest Author. Eden I had been in the garden so long that I forgot my name, and began naming everything around...