Written by Matthue Roth. This excerpt has been taken from Matthue’s book Yom Kippur a Go-Go. Passover is one of those manic Jewish holidays when...
Written by Sender Rozesz. Sender Rozesz is a practicing attorney with a background in Jewish pluralistic education for adults. Sender Rozesz is Jewrotica’s resident Double...
Image Credit Written by Charles Rammelkamp. Charles Rammelkamp’s latest book is entitled “Mata Hari: Eye of the Day,” a sequence of poems about the life...
Image Credit Featured piece and Q&A by Lauren Stein. Lauren is an Expressive Arts Therapist and Improviser. She enhances lives by bringing out the holy...
Written by Sender Rozesz. Sender Rozesz is a practicing attorney with a background in Jewish pluralistic education for adults. Sender Rozesz is Jewrotica’s resident Double...
Image Credit – © Adamr | Dreamstime.com – Wet Lady Walking Cross River Photo Written by Adam Arotti. Adam Arotti is an author of Jewish-themed...
Image Credit Written by Dr. Philip Belove. Dr. Belove, is an author, public speaker, workshop leader and psychologist. Philip received his M.A. from the Alfred...
Written by Sender Rozesz. Sender Rozesz is a practicing attorney with a background in Jewish pluralistic education for adults. Sender Rozesz is Jewrotica’s resident Double...
Written by Melanie B. Melanie is the author of “Post-Feminism, Tzniut and Queen Bey: An Open Letter to Rakhi Kumar“. It is evening time when...
Written by Sender Rozesz. Sender Rozesz is a practicing attorney with a background in Jewish pluralistic education for adults. Sender Rozesz is Jewrotica’s resident Double...