The Divine spirit
The Divine spirit
The Divine spirit
Peace offering
The central prayer in Jewish liturgy declaring faith in a single God. The sh'ma is recited twice daily often before bedtime. (Also spelled...
The Shema is the central prayer in Jewish liturgy declaring faith in a single God. Shema Al Hamita (literally "on the bed") refers to...
A core part of the Jewish prayer service that includes a statement of monotheistic faith
The central devotional prayer of Judaism, recited silently three times each day and consisting of eighteen blessings (Also spelled Shmoneh Esrei)
The first book of Exodus (which is the second book of the Hebrew Bible.) In Hebrew, "Shemot" means "names."
Literally, this Hebrew phrase means 'seven blessings'. Sheva Brachot refers to the series of blessings recited at Jewish weddings, as well as the seven...