The literal meaning of the text
Speech explicating a sacred text.
The Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from an extermination plot during the time of the ancient Persian empire....
Purim Katan means "little Purim." There are no specific observances for Purim Katan; however, a person should celebrate the holiday and should not mourn or...
An explanation from Tiferet: "Am Segulah is most often translated as treasured people. Yet, my life is based on understanding “segulah” as purple and uniting...
In the Bible, the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre
A person appointed as a Jewish religious leader who has completed a specified course of study and has been ordained as such. (Also called...
A reference to the Jewish holiday of Lag Ba'Omer when the sage Rabbi Akiva's students stopped dying
Individuals appointed as Jewish religious leaders who have completed a specified course of study and have been ordained as such. (Also called Rebbes)
Hebrew acronym for "Rabbeinu Mosheh Ben Maimon", or "Our Rabbi/Teacher Moses Son Maimon" - another name for Maimonides, a prominent Jewish philosopher from the...