• Pshat

    The literal meaning of the text

  • Pshetil

    Speech explicating a sacred text.

  • Purim

    The Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from an extermination plot during the time of the ancient Persian empire....

  • Purim Katan

    Purim Katan means "little Purim." There are no specific observances for Purim Katan; however, a person should celebrate the holiday and should not mourn or...

  • Purple People

    An explanation from Tiferet: "Am Segulah is most often translated as treasured people. Yet, my life is based on understanding “segulah” as purple and uniting...

  • Queen Esther

    In the Bible, the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre

  • Rabbi

    A person appointed as a Jewish religious leader who has completed a specified course of study and has been ordained as such. (Also called...

  • Rabbi Akiva’s Victory

    A reference to the Jewish holiday of Lag Ba'Omer when the sage Rabbi Akiva's students stopped dying

  • Rabbis

    Individuals appointed as Jewish religious leaders who have completed a specified course of study and have been ordained as such. (Also called Rebbes)

  • Rambam

    Hebrew acronym for "Rabbeinu Mosheh Ben Maimon", or "Our Rabbi/Teacher Moses Son Maimon" - another name for Maimonides, a prominent Jewish philosopher from the...