• Matzah Balls

    European Jewish soup dumplings traditionally served on Passover (Also spelled Matzo Balls)

  • Matzo Brie

    A dish of Ashkenazi Jewish origin made from matzo fried with eggs.

  • Mazal Tov

    A Jewish exclamation of "Congratulations!" in Hebrew. Mazal Tov literally translates to "Good Luck".

  • Mazel Tov

    A Jewish exclamation of “Congratulations!” in Hebrew. Mazel Tov literally translates to “Good Luck”.

  • Mechitza

    A partition, traditionally the dividing wall between men and women during the Orthodox Jewish prayer service

  • Megillahs

    One of the five books of the Hebrew scriptures (the Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther). Colloquially, this can refer to a...

  • Mehadrin

    The most strict level of kosher supervision

  • Mekayem my khiyev

    Fulfill my requirement.

  • Menorah

    A nine-branched candelabra used during the Chanukah festival for the lighting of candles (Also called a Chanukiah)

  • Menorahs

    Nine-branched candelabras used during the Chanukah festival for the lighting of candles (Also called a Chanukiah)