We are in the midst of launching our North American Jewrotica Kickoff Tour and the testimonials are already pouring in!

The people behind Jewrotica are quite quality! I have confidence that any project these folks take on will be equally quality.

Rabbi Drew Kaplan, Chaplain at Long Beach Hillels

While many people fear the “sex talk,” Jewrotica offers an opportunity for writers and audiences to speak about sexuality in a open and safe space. When I attended a Jewrotica reading, I heard stories that reminded me that love takes many forms, and that expressing it is a vital part of who we are as a people.

Leora, Young Professional from Washington DC

Jewrotica is something that the community has needed for a long time so that people can actually learn, express and share and have good relationships without having to stumble through life. Check out the site and learn something. Have fun!

Josh Kaplan, Jewish Community Organizer in Orange County, CA

I’m Heshy Fried from Frum Satire and I am very, very frum. And I completely support Jewrotica – it’s doing a service to the frum community. We need some sort of kosher sexual education. Jewrotica even has a system that allows frum filters to filter out certain things to make it PG for us. It’s mamish Torah. It’s like The Little Midrash Says for sex.

Heshy Fried, Founder of Frum Satire

I’m so glad that Jewrotica is represented here at Jewlicious! It’s bringing voices that need to be heard in the Jewish discussion and Jewish climate environment.

Ramona Rubin, Grassroots Activist in Berkeley, CA

Jewrotica rocks. It’s funny, it’s informative, it’s sexy, it’s interesting. Check it out!

Sam C., Young Professional in the Valley, CA

Jewrotica is inspiring Jews and erotica with holiness and coolness, and is the pride of progressive Judaism. Jewrotica – awesome!

Shimon Weiss, Wine Maker in Agua Dolce, CA

What an incredible night Jewrotica was!!!! There was this fantastic moment, in a sea of Jews of all sexualities, ages, backgrounds and denominations, that I realized we were all in this together! I hope that there are many more events coming to Austin soon!

Brandon Poland, Award-Winning Jewish Drag Queen