Dear Jewrotica #2 – Dating in the Deaf Community

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Dear Jewrotica Staff Responses2

Karalyn Dane

Karalyn Dane

I have had some of the most fulfilling experiences of my life meeting like-minded friends online – who I then ended up meeting in person. Lots of people go through challenges with dating and we recognize that being deaf must add extra challenges when you want to connect with someone and communication becomes more difficult.  Beyond Jewish dating sites, and perhaps forums on non-Jewish websites for the deaf (post something about Hannukkah during the holiday and I’m sure that people might come out of the woodwork!) there are organizations such as Our Way which run a “Jewish Deaf Singles Registry,”  which helps connect deaf singles to one another and runs retreats too.   Have you heard of them?


Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox

I second Karalyn’s suggestion for online dating, though I suspect you may have already tried it. Also, I met one of my closest friends through a post on Craigslist. Crazy, but true. So maybe go the non-traditional route? I wonder how proficient at ASL you need someone to be…I know a girl who might be a good match. Message me your location ( and I’ll set you up…?


Larisa B.

Larisa B.

I agree with the other ladies… online dating may be the best route. I also would suggest to use sources that are not necessarily traditionally Jewish because of your situation. Someone I know found their soul mate on eHarmony and it’s not a “Jewish” dating site but you can find other Jews on it. I do want to encourage you to never give up looking because true love does find its way into the hearts of those that yearn for it and search for it. Good luck, Lee.


Adi Elbaz

Adi Elbaz

Man, dating is the absolute worst, isn’t it? If you’re looking for a girl who knows ASL, you could consider looking into schools for the deaf–maybe there are some single Jewish teachers there? (Or: start at the source and look at programs that teach others to teach the deaf. Maybe Stern has a program?) Also, like Tamar, I MIGHT know someone for you depending on age/location–email me at and I’ll see if it’s a good fit?

Good luck, Lee. You’ll find her.

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Dear Jewrotica is an advice column hosted by the Jewrotica staff. We answer questions about sex, sexual health, relationships, romance and other topics as they relate to the Jewish community, culture and tradition. Confidentiality is respected, and we'll do our best to tackle your questions with knowledge, sensitivity and tact.

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