JDate… Online Dating From a Male Perspective

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A12 Jdate2
Written by Adam R. Adam is a first-time Jewrotica writer. This piece was recently posted on LoveKudos.com


Rated PGTuesday, September 18th 2012 was a big day in my life. Not only did I run out of the peaches and chipotle cheese spread bought from HEB the week before, but I did something I thought I would never do in my life.


I joined JDate.


The term “JDate” alone makes some cringe. It evokes scenes of Jewish mothers, sitting together at a Mah Jong game, conjuring up creative adjectives for profiles unbeknownst to their sons or daughters. And these same mothers setting their children up for a date filled with more awkwardness than Kris Humphries at the Kardashian family reunion.


On JDate, you’ll find a guy that may or may not look like a mix of Seth Rogan’s body type with the social skills of Brick Tambland that is trying to make himself sound like a member of the Rat Pack. Or a girl who swears she’s outdoorsy when all she really means is that she likes to watch the Real Housewives on her apartment porch, iPad and cold drink in hand with an apartment view of the local bar scene.


So I definitely exaggerated on that last paragraph. Point is, JDate – like most dating sites we see commercials for – is intimidating, especially being that its business focus is one small demographic. While JDate can essentially be equivalent to Craigslist casuals in places like New York City, Los Angeles and Tel Aviv, the problem arises in cities with smaller Jewish populations where your “matches” are essentially the men/women you go out with on the weekends, with little hope or interest of actually dating.


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