Horny Hebrews Get Their Own Porn Ghetto: Jewrotica

By Ben Yakas on October 24, 2012 [Gothamist]

Ever since we learned about Yenta, the closest thing to a Jewish Grindr there is on the market, our tefillin have felt a bit tighter than normal. And yet, despite there being tons and tons of Jewish dating sites, all the Heeb back issues and Philip Roth novels in the world couldn’t quite light our menorahs. But now there’s a new website dedicated to exploring the somewhat subversive and highly erotic inner life of Jews: Jewrotica.

The site describes itself as “a guilty pleasure in-the-making with the power to provide a voice for Jewish sexual expression, a forum for meaningful learning and conversation, and an opportunity for Jewish engagement in a new and exciting way.” Site founder Ayo Oppenheimer, from Leonia, New Jersey, told Haaretz more about the inspiration for the project: “Are we to be embarrassed about our sexuality or not?” asks Oppenheimer. “How do we draw that fine line between tzniut [modesty], in a positive sense, and shutting out conversation altogether? Where does the Judaism, quite literally, fit in to the sexuality?”

So far, the site has only fully been live for about a week, and the content includes some erotic (supposedly real) stories about dreamy Hebrew school teachers, personal essays on threesomes, and JDate reflections. There’s at least one story that could make Woody Allen blush, which sounds like the kind of material Sarah Tuttle-Singer, the site’s “Mistress of Social Media,” is looking for: “I love being part of a sex-positive site that can reshape the way we see our community and ourselves,” she told Haaretz. “Because, guess what? You can be a Nice Jewish Girl and love sex. And for many, this idea creates a revolutionary shift in paradigm.” Or at least a shift in your borscht belt?
[h/t Jezebel]