Dildo Data Breaches


Written by Joseph Dunsay. After earning a Masters of Science in Ecology and Evolution, Joseph Dunsay became a science writer for international audiences. Find more Jewrotica writing by Joseph here.

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There may be some debate about the importance of preventing data breaches in the public sphere, but there is one item among the internet of things that developers must protect from hacking, the trusted dildo. This reliable tool for prepping and pleasing intimate places becomes more complicated each year. As developers mix circuits, wireless connections, and uploads to company databases with the standard latex and gears, users might find their vibrator sessions broadcasted on Viper while they’re pleasuring themselves to a Recommended Site for mature XXX content on the web.

A lawsuit revolving around We-Vibe highlights the concerns customers feel when sex toys collect data about sessions and send it back to the companies that develop them. An app allows a user to remotely control the We-Vibe vibrator via a smart phone. The company behind We-Vibe allegedly collected data about when and how customers played with the device. The company claims that it only collects summary statistics about usage to improve product design without keeping any identifiable data about individual users. Either way, a customer might be worried about a nosy company employee or voyeuristic hacker.

Sex toys are not the only intimacy aids subject to possible surveillance. A computer algorithm may soon tag online pornography videos which will make it possible to generate a searchable database of all the porn one watches. The algorithms responsible for recommending videos online traditionally relied on collaborative filtering, meaning they recommended videos that earned high ratings from fellow users who share one’s tastes in content. This approach was necessary, because computer programs found it more difficult to search videos in a meaningful way than to search text.

Twitter solved this problem by developing an artificial intelligence that tags videos in real time. The AI is sophisticated enough to identify what is happening in a live-streaming video. Developers produced it to facilitate video recommendations and targeted advertising, but once these tags are in place, it will be easier for someone to identify a pattern in one’s video viewing habits. Soon, the preferences of porn viewers could become as public as the preferences of the people in those porn videos.

With so much private data at risk of hacking, cyber-security is essential. Programmers must keep up with new technology by creating ever more sophisticated ways to keep data secure from hacking. We can expect Israeli talent to contribute to this effort, given Israeli leadership in cyber-security. A pressing need for cyber-security and high tech IDF training helped build a world renowned cyber-security labor force in Israel. Future lovers will be able to rest easy on the weekend knowing that what happens within their houses, apartments, and tents will remain private thanks to cyber-security technologies that shield their digital windows from prying eyes.

After earning a Masters of Science in Ecology and Evolution, Joseph Dunsay became a science writer for international audiences. His LGBT erotic e-book launched in the summer of 2015.