Dear Jewrotica #2 – Dating in the Deaf Community

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Dear Jewrotica Feet

Dear Jewrotica,

My name is Lee and I am deaf myself  in my late 20s. I have been struggling in finding a girl to date. It is really hard to find a  hearing Jewish girl that knows American Sign Language and enjoys travel a lot, and enjoys being around family and friends at holiday times and other times too. I had a one year experience dating a Jewish girl, but it didn’t really work out. I just dont know how to find a date.

Thank you.


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Dear Jewrotica is an advice column hosted by the Jewrotica staff. We answer questions about sex, sexual health, relationships, romance and other topics as they relate to the Jewish community, culture and tradition. Confidentiality is respected, and we'll do our best to tackle your questions with knowledge, sensitivity and tact.

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